If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been stung by a bee, worn contact lenses, or seen a mother's face when her baby giggles. Little can be huge in the right circumstances. CHALLENGE: You may soon forget the "little" charites that you perform but the benefactor of those charities will not. To them it may be a major blessing that positively impacts their life. Make an extra effort today to do something nice for someone for no reason. Repeat tomorrow. REFERENCE: Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.
James 3:13
My sweet and amazing cousin sent me this yesterday. Heartfelt Couture's mission is to make a child's stay in the hospital a little more FABULOUS and the above article sums us up perfectly! I love that God has entrusted me, a LOWLY servant of Jesus, with a small, but AMAZING task. To plant seeds and lift up little hearts. I thank God everyday for all he has blessed me with.
Keri Abshier
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
First Baptist Church Grapevine
On Wednesday, March 21st some very special ladies of First Baptist Church Grapevine cut out 55 gowns for Heartfelt Couture. We had so much fun that night, cutting, chatting, and eating desserts! These ladies were the hands and feet of Jesus that night. They also, brought their own fabric to donate to Heartfelt Couture! Their generosity and sweet spirit overwhelmed me and I love that others believe in Heartfelt Couture just as much as I do. Thank you ladies! I had an AMAZING night! If you would like to do a cutting event at your church. Please contact keri@heartfeltcouture.com
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Children of Angel Home, India
Thank you to EVERYONE who donated items,to the children of Angel Home. The adored their Christmas gifts, and were overwhelmed by your generousity this 2011 Christmas season. We are planning on sending a box in April for Easter so if you are interested in donation toys and such please contact me by March , 15. You can email me keri@heartfeltcouture.com.
We also wanted to add a disclaimer to these pictures...in some of the pictures the kids aren't smiling, it's definitely not because they don't like the gifts. They absolutely loved them! Sometimes, especially with the past that they all have, smiling without being told isn't a natural thing.
We also wanted to add a disclaimer to these pictures...in some of the pictures the kids aren't smiling, it's definitely not because they don't like the gifts. They absolutely loved them! Sometimes, especially with the past that they all have, smiling without being told isn't a natural thing.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Christmas/New Year break
Heartfelt Couture will be on vacation from December 15 thru January 3, so I can spend time with my family this holiday season. Any requests for gowns will be made the first week of the New Year. Thank you all for your support in 2011. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
email down
If you have emailed keri@heartfeltcouture in the last week or so, my email is down. Trying to correct the problem now. If you have a question you can go on Heartfelt's facebook page and send me a message.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving!!
Keri Abshier
Have a blessed Thanksgiving!!
Keri Abshier
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Poppylane raised $1000 for Heartfelt Couture in October!!!!!
Poppylane Photography raised $1000 in the month of October for Heartfelt Couture. This money will be put to special use. Prayer pillows are VERY time consuming and this money will help to cut that time in half! Thank you to Megan with Poppylane and the families that participated. The session was only $100 and you got some AMAZING pictures and are helping some FABULOUS kids!!
Angel Home gift requests
This Christmas Heartfelt Couture will be sending the 5 kids at Angel Home, in India, prayer pillows and other small gifts. We are looking for stationary type items; notebooks, pens, erasers, etc. Also, small toys and games that can be easily put in the box of prayer pillows. If you are interested in sending some of these items please contact Keri, keri@heartfeltcouture.com or you can mail them to Heartfelt Couture 3101 Mossy Oak Ln, Bedford, TX 76021. I will not be mailing the box until Dec 1st.
Keri Abshier
Keri Abshier
Monday, October 24, 2011
Angel Home
Heartfelt Couture is partnering with Angel Home, in India by providing prayer pillows to 5 VERY special children. Here is a little more about Angel Home:
Since September 2009, Angel Home, in Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India has been the home to 5 beautiful children; Nitesh Kumar, Savithra, Yesu Mathi, Suganthi & Santhia. Some of these children came from dysfunctional families while others have been orphaned.
The future hope and vision of Angel Home is to be a safe haven for more orphaned/abandoned children & widows, especially those affected by HIV-AIDS and other communicable diseases, where they will be provided for physically, spiritually and emotionally.
We are also, going to have a list of things we would like to send to the kids, in the box with the pillows. So stay tuned for more information on how you can help Angel Home.
These precious children need to feel the love of God, and the hope there is in Jesus Christ.
Keri Abshier
Since September 2009, Angel Home, in Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India has been the home to 5 beautiful children; Nitesh Kumar, Savithra, Yesu Mathi, Suganthi & Santhia. Some of these children came from dysfunctional families while others have been orphaned.
We are also, going to have a list of things we would like to send to the kids, in the box with the pillows. So stay tuned for more information on how you can help Angel Home.
These precious children need to feel the love of God, and the hope there is in Jesus Christ.
Keri Abshier
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Party with a Purpose
Angie Arena, a Mary Kay consultant, is generously donating $1 for every new face she does in the month of September and 10% of her sales in September come to Heartfelt Couture. Contact Angie today email Angie at angela.arena@sbcglobal.net or call her (817) 729-8818. I have my appointment scheduled and will post pictures of my makeover! This is an amazing way to have a little fun and give to some AMAZING kids! Visit her website www.marykay.com/AngelaArena
Keri Abshier
Keri Abshier
Friday, August 12, 2011
October Fundraiser 2011
Poppylane Photography is GENEROUSLY donating every cent from her photo sessions in October to Heartfelt Couture. Megan is an AMAZING photographer and has a heart of GOLD! You will fall in love with her photography and her sweet personality. Over the last 2 years, Poppylane Photography has donated over $800. In 2011 she wants to make $1000 to make a child's stay in the hospital a little more FABULOUS!!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Cutting Party at White's Chapel United Methodist Church

12 amazing ladies from White's Chapel United Methodist Church in Southlake, Texas cut out around 60 gowns on May 3, 2011. They were fabulous and really fast at cutting out fabric. They had a great time and I was so thankful for their giving and kind spirits. If your church is interested in having a cutting party at your church please contact keri@heartfeltcouture.com. This is a great way to spread the word about Heartfelt Couture to different churches in the area. This ministry is such a blessing to many families and the more people that know that Heartfelt Couture exists the better!
Keri Abshier
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Prayer requests 4/19/2011
This week was boys week at Heartfelt Couture
Please pray for the following:
Trevor-age 4, has a congenital heart defect, Double Inlet Left Ventricle/Hypoplastic Right Heart. He will be having his 3rd open heart surgery in May
Brady-age 10, will be have a 17 hr surgery in May for his scoliosis.
We at Heartfelt Couture hope everyone has a blessed Easter!
"Jesus said to her,"I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?"
John 11:25-26
Please pray for the following:
Trevor-age 4, has a congenital heart defect, Double Inlet Left Ventricle/Hypoplastic Right Heart. He will be having his 3rd open heart surgery in May
Brady-age 10, will be have a 17 hr surgery in May for his scoliosis.
We at Heartfelt Couture hope everyone has a blessed Easter!
"Jesus said to her,"I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?"
John 11:25-26
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Prayer requests week of 4/4/2011
Heartfelt Couture shipped these 4 gowns out to these precious little girls. Please pray for each below: Charlotte-is 3 years old and having 3rd open heart surgery. Lilly-is 21 months and has Tetraology of Fallot with Pulmonary Atresia she will be having her pre-op cath. Addison-is a CHD patient and is getting ready for her 2nd heart operation. Janelle-will be having her heart cath and Fontan. Please pray for all these amazing kids! Blessings, Keri
Monday, April 4, 2011
Kids of Heartfelt Couture-April 2011

This is from sweet Chase's mom.
"1 in 100 children in the United States are born with a Congenital Heart Defect each year. Of those children, approximately 8% will be born with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome(HLHS). My 17-month-old son Chase is one of them. Chase was born in October 2009 with, essentially, half a heart. In children with HLHS, the left side of the heart doesn't develop in-utero and the child must undergo three life-saving, palliative heart surgeries. Chase underwent his first heart surgery at 7 days old. He then had a second heart operation when he was 4 1/2 months old and will have one further scheduled surgery when he is approximately 2 to 3 years old. Chase is so incredibly strong and is one of the happiest children I've ever known! He's been through more in his almost year and a half of life than most people experience in a lifetime. The odds have always been stacked against him, yet with his strong determination and our faith and trust in God, he has continued to thrive and exceed expectations! We are so very blessed to have Chase in our lives and we witness a living, breathing miracle every time we look at him. During a recent heart catheterization procedure, Chase had the joy of wearing an adorable Toy Story hospital gown, provided by Heartfelt Couture. Although he was NOT happy to be in the a hospital environment, surrounded by people in scrubs(he's not a fan of people in scrubs, for good reason!), his face lit up when he saw Buzz and Woody on his "shirt". Thank you so much for everything you do to bring a smile to little ones like my son, and for making a difficult experience a little bit easier on him. And of course all of the hospital staff thought his gown was adorable, too! Thank you, Heartfelt Couture!
You can follow Chase's journey with his special heart at http://www.mom2lo.com/
I want to thank Chase's mom for his story. This story is such an amazing testimony for Heartfelt Couture.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Short hiatus
Heartfelt Couture will be on a short hiatus between Monday March 21-April 4. I will not have email access, or sewing machine access. Any requests emailed in between those dates will be made the week of April 4th and shipped that Saturday April 9th. Sorry for any inconvenience this causes.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Prayer Requests March 13-19

Here are this weeks prayer requests. Word of our amazing ministry is spreading!
Dakota-diagnosed with Craniosynostosis. This is a birth defect/disorder where the sutures in a baby's skull fuse and harden prematurely. She will be having surgery in the Spring. It will be a long surgery.
Lucy-please visit their blog http://www.erikandkatekrull.blogspot.com/
Guiliana-has HLHS and is having her Fontan surgery soon.
Josie-has a very rare congenital heart defect called double outlet right ventricle(DORV). Please go to www.giveforward.com/heartheroesforjosie to learn more about this sweet little girl!
Hannah-is having her 3rd heart surgery.
Jordan-had surgery a week and half ago.
Please pray for all these sweet girls! Seems like this week was GIRLS WEEK! I love Heartfelt Couture and know that all these gown and/or pillows will make a difference to the child and families.
Keri Abshier
Dakota-diagnosed with Craniosynostosis. This is a birth defect/disorder where the sutures in a baby's skull fuse and harden prematurely. She will be having surgery in the Spring. It will be a long surgery.
Lucy-please visit their blog http://www.erikandkatekrull.blogspot.com/
Guiliana-has HLHS and is having her Fontan surgery soon.
Josie-has a very rare congenital heart defect called double outlet right ventricle(DORV). Please go to www.giveforward.com/heartheroesforjosie to learn more about this sweet little girl!
Hannah-is having her 3rd heart surgery.
Jordan-had surgery a week and half ago.
Please pray for all these sweet girls! Seems like this week was GIRLS WEEK! I love Heartfelt Couture and know that all these gown and/or pillows will make a difference to the child and families.
Keri Abshier
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Kids of Heartfelt Couture
We are wanting to do profiles each month of children that have received a gown and/or pillow from Heartfelt Couture. If you have received a gown and/or pillow and would like to be featured as Kid of Heartfelt Couture please email me keri@heartfeltcouture.com We(or you) would love to write a little something about your child, their illness, their strength, and how Heartfelt Couture made them smile. This will be a great way to spread the word of Heartfelt Couture and how it really does make a difference!
Keri Abshier
Keri Abshier
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Prayer Requests
In the last week and a half I have made 8 hospital gowns and pillows for some precious boys and girls. I would love to list them on the blog so you can pray for these AMAZING kids! Most of them have up coming surgeries.
Mary Clare is 3 years old and has HLHS. Read more about her here
http://www.babypennington.com/ and about her upcoming surgery.
Aly Lincoln is 21 months and also has HLHS. Read more about Aly here
http://www.alyjeansspecialheart.com/ and about her upcoming surgery.
Merritt is 6 weeks old and has RSV. She has been in the NICU and is starting to recover.
Chloe is 3 years old and has a medulloblastoma. Her treatment will be 4 months of chemo and a bone marrow transplant in July or August. She has a 50% chance of survival.
Ethan is 2 years old and has a congenital heart defect. They find out in April when his next surgery is scheduled.
Chase has HLHS. He will get his procedure this spring.
Daylen is 4 months old and is having hemi-fontan surgery in March.
Kylan is 21 months and has HLHS. He will be having his 3rd open heart surgery this spring.
Mary Clare is 3 years old and has HLHS. Read more about her here
http://www.babypennington.com/ and about her upcoming surgery.
Aly Lincoln is 21 months and also has HLHS. Read more about Aly here
http://www.alyjeansspecialheart.com/ and about her upcoming surgery.
Merritt is 6 weeks old and has RSV. She has been in the NICU and is starting to recover.
Chloe is 3 years old and has a medulloblastoma. Her treatment will be 4 months of chemo and a bone marrow transplant in July or August. She has a 50% chance of survival.
Ethan is 2 years old and has a congenital heart defect. They find out in April when his next surgery is scheduled.
Chase has HLHS. He will get his procedure this spring.
Daylen is 4 months old and is having hemi-fontan surgery in March.
Kylan is 21 months and has HLHS. He will be having his 3rd open heart surgery this spring.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Heartfelt girls
Pictured above is my little girl "A". Her bear "Gabrielle" is sick and she made a prayer pillow for the bear using fabric letters I had dropped that day.
My other little girl "L" was looking at a blog with me about a little girl named Lucy yesterday. I asked her what should we do for Lucy since she is very sick. "L" said, "Make her a hospital gown and pillow."
My girls at 5 years old are "getting" that Heartfelt Couture helps sick children feel better.
I am not saying this because I am "The World's Greatest Mom". I am really an average at best mom. My house is a mess, I can get frustrated very easily, we don't eat 100% organic. I never intended to be a stay at home mom, and sometimes I go into my room, shut the door and scream into my pillow. Why am I tell you this? Because I am not perfect. I am normal.
The one thing I want my girls to learn from me is giving. I want it to be second nature to them. We live in a selfish, me driven world, and I struggle with this daily. I want them to rise up and be an example of kindness and a giving heart.
On my fridge we have our family verse,
"In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Acts 20:35
I truly believe if we can teach our children to be givers then God's kingdom will grow faster than we ever thought possible. This is only 1/3 of the reason I do Heartfelt Couture. Maybe I will blog more about the other two reasons later!
Keri Abshier
Monday, February 28, 2011
Prayer Pillows change
Effective March 1, 2011 prayer pillows will only be the one letter. ie First inital. I am having a hard time finding boxes for the prayer pillows. This will help with shipping cost, with labor, and with cost of batting. If you requested a pillow February 28th or before you will get a pillow with the full name. But as of March 1, 2011, I can no longer keep up with demand for the full name pillows. I do love making the pillows but I want to make sure they get out in a timely manner and that I have time for my family as well!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Introducing Heartfelt Couture's Board of Directors

Heartfelt Couture has had this group of ladies on the board for over a year and a half, but I thought it was HIGH time you were able to see this beautiful ladies!
Poppylane Photography* took these amazing photos. It was such a fun time and I cherish each and every one of these beautiful gals! These ladies love to laugh and joke around, so it was amazing that Megan was able to capture that time! All these women are hard workers, have a heart for Jesus, and are truly beautiful women inside and out! Megan even said on the phone after the photosession, "Those are a really great bunch of girls." I COMPLETELY AGREE! Everyone of them would go to bat for me or Heartfelt Couture.
All of us are mothers and know that making a child smile is the most priceless gift in the world! They are all dedicated to making your child's stay in the hospital a little more FABULOUS!
*special thanks to Poppylane Photography! In 2010, Poppylane Photography donated $400 from her Heartfelt Couture photosession package.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
New Year

Last year proved to be the best year for Heartfelt Couture. We shipped out more hospital gowns and prayer pillows this year than in both years combined. We received an amazing amount of donations this year. Which will all be used to provide even more gowns and pillows across the country. From North Carolina to Indiana, children are being blessed because the community is coming together,to help support Heartfelt Couture. The picture above is an AMAZING small group from Compass Christian Church in Colleyville. They all came together and blessed Heartfelt Couture with an amazing gift. It's people like this that make Heartfelt Couture possible. From individuals, companies, and photographers, I would like to thank everyone that gave a donation in 2010. I am so proud that people are believing in this ministry. I know Heartfelt Couture will only continue to grow because of you!
The New Year will bring some new faces to Heartfelt Couture. The board of directors will be more involved and HC will no longer we a solo effort on my part. I am super excited for a little help! I have been running on fumes and God is giving me the help I need. I was only able to do 2 gown deliveries to Cooks Children's Hospital in 2010. But I am hoping that in 2011 I will be able to do 2 at Cooks Children's Hospital and 2 at Medical City Dallas Children's Hospital. Having help will make this possible.
Here at Heartfelt Couture we hope you have a Happy New Year!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
19 gowns delivered to Cooks Children's Hospital
On December 17th Heartfelt Couture delivered 19 custom hospital gowns to Cooks Children's Hospital in Downtown Fort Worth. From sock monkey's to English gardens these gowns are sure to make these kids smiles bright. I hope the 19 families that receive the gowns feel hope and love this Christmas season.
If you are reading this and you received a gown from Heartfelt Couture please feel free to contact me keri@heartfeltcouture.com I would LOVE to make you a prayer pillow as well!
Blessings this Christmas,
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Prayer pillows
I made 2 prayer pillows today for some very special boys. One is for a 12 year old boy named Austin. He was in a dirt bike accident. He lacerated his spleen, kidney, and pancreas. He loves Texas Tech so OF course I bought Texas Tech fabric.
The other pillow is for Skyler. To learn more about Skyler please read his blog http://www.crystalandskyler.blogspot.com/ His story will bring tears to your eyes. He loves Superman. I already sent him a VERY cool hospital gown, but wanted to make him a extra cool prayer pillow.
Before I ship each prayer pillow and hospital gown, I pray over the gowns or my girls, husband and I pray over the gowns. We pray for strength for the child, peace for the family, and for the families to feel God's love. I also, pray for the families to feel the hope that is in Jesus Christ.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Happy Birthday Heartfelt Couture!
This week marks 2 years since Heartfelt Couture has been blessing kids! We have come a LONG way since October 2008. Through hard work, determination, and A TON of help, Heartfelt Couture has been able to bless over 3oo kids! Thank you to all of you who have volunteered! I believe in the ministry with all my heart. I can't wait to see what God's plans are for the next 2 years!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
A couple of weeks ago I recieved an email from a mom named Keri(She has a fabulous name). Keri wanted to make her daughter, Becca, a gown herself and had some questions for me. Becca is 5 and has Epilepsy. I just had to make a prayer pillow for this sweet girl! Here is what Keri said about the pillow.
That pillow really was the perfect size for her(Becca). All that stuff for the EEG leads made her head control a little off in the bed, so I was able to either use it as a neck pillow, or prop it up behind her. Or-at times it even helped me when I was co-sleeping with her-to give my arm a place to rest when she was using MY ARM as her pillow!
The pillow got compliments from so many staff! Thank you sooo much for getting it to us so quickly! Keri K
Let me just say that all my pillow are different sizes. They are as big or as small as the name is. What I find amazing is that God knew EXACTLY how big it needed to be for Becca's sweet head! It could have been too big or too small but it was JUST right!! Only God could have known that!
Keri Abshier
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Amazing Ladies
In September, an amazing group of women cut out around 20 hospital gowns. They normally play Bunko on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. On this Tuesday they decided to give back to some very special children! They did a fabulous job and I think they had a TON of fun too! I know all the families that receive one of these gowns, will be very appreciative of their hard work!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
New Website
Heartfelt Couture now has a website! After almost 2 years of prayer, God anwered them in the form of my husband. He got a book on web design on Sunday and had a website up by the next Saturday. It may not be the most fancy website, but it was FREE! You can go to http://www.heartfeltcouture.com/ and check it out. We will be updating it slowly.
We also have links on the site to our "friends". Poppylane Photography offers a package year round that gives 1/3 of the proceeds to Heartfelt Couture. At Christmas she runs a special package that also includes a free Custom made Christmas card. Megan is a precious, kind, and generous person. And she takes the most amazing pictures!
The other link is Up in the Eyre Custom Children's clothing. Rachel Eyre is the owner of the shop. She makes and sends out gowns to children all over the country with her own money. Her clothing is fantastic! She is an amazing, creative and kind-hearted woman!
I am so proud of Heartfelt Couture and the lives it is changing. I hope we plant hundreds of mustard seeds in the hearts of these amazing children. Showing someone unexpected kindness and generosity can go a LONG way!
Keri Abshier
We also have links on the site to our "friends". Poppylane Photography offers a package year round that gives 1/3 of the proceeds to Heartfelt Couture. At Christmas she runs a special package that also includes a free Custom made Christmas card. Megan is a precious, kind, and generous person. And she takes the most amazing pictures!
The other link is Up in the Eyre Custom Children's clothing. Rachel Eyre is the owner of the shop. She makes and sends out gowns to children all over the country with her own money. Her clothing is fantastic! She is an amazing, creative and kind-hearted woman!
I am so proud of Heartfelt Couture and the lives it is changing. I hope we plant hundreds of mustard seeds in the hearts of these amazing children. Showing someone unexpected kindness and generosity can go a LONG way!
Keri Abshier
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Poppy Lane Photography

Poppy Lane Photography is partnering with Heartfelt Couture again this year. Megan has such an amazing heart. Last year she helped raise all the money we needed for our IRS fee. She went above and beyond to help our 501c3 status become complete. She offers a package year round where proceeds benefit Heartfelt Couture, but for the 2010 Christmas season she is also offering a custom Christmas card along with the package. This is an amazing deal! Only $75 and you get a disk with the edited photos from the shoot, custom Christmas card, and signed copyright release so you can print the pictures and card, when and where you want. Book soon so you can be sure to get an appointment.
You can contact Megan at http://www.poppylanephotography.blogspot.com/ or megancarrin@gmail.com.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Prayers for Beckham
Please pray for sweet Beckham. He is 2 weeks old and is hospitalized for bacterial meningitis. Go to www.beckhamlittleton.blogspot.com for updates.
My prayers go out to this family.
"In the day that I called, you answered me. You encouraged me with strength in my soul." Psalm 138:3
My prayers go out to this family.
"In the day that I called, you answered me. You encouraged me with strength in my soul." Psalm 138:3
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
25 hospital gowns delivered to Cook Children's Hospital in Downtown Fort Worth
On May 18th Heartfelt Couture delivered 25 precious gowns to Cook Children's Hospital. We were not able to take any photos of the delivery, but I have a few of them all ready to be delivered. Packaged and pretty for 25 amazing kids.
As a mother I cannot imagine what these families go through, but hopefully this little gown will brighten the spirit of the child and their families.
Thank you to all the volunteers that helped make these amazing gowns.
If you received a gown from this delivery or any hospital delivery please email Keri: keri@heartfeltcouture.com. We would LOVE to hear from you!!!
If you know of a child that would LOVE a unqiue hospital gown email me and I will get one shipped to you!
"We will praise you, O Lord, with all of our heart." Psalm 9:1
Keri Abshier
Saturday, April 3, 2010
New Donation information
Heartfelt Couture is always in need of donations to send out these amazing hospital gowns and name pillows.
You can mail a check to:
Heartfelt Couture
3101 Mossy Oak Ln
Bedford, TX 76021
All donations are tax deductible and a statement will be mailed out by January 31st.
I am working on adding a donation button but I am not that blog savvy so be patient I should be adding it soon!
Have a blessed Easter! This ministry would not be possible without the help of generous people!
"Therefore, since through God's mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart." 2 Cornithians 4:1
You can mail a check to:
Heartfelt Couture
3101 Mossy Oak Ln
Bedford, TX 76021
All donations are tax deductible and a statement will be mailed out by January 31st.
I am working on adding a donation button but I am not that blog savvy so be patient I should be adding it soon!
Have a blessed Easter! This ministry would not be possible without the help of generous people!
"Therefore, since through God's mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart." 2 Cornithians 4:1
Monday, March 15, 2010
Heartfelt Couture is now a 501c3 public charity
Heartfelt Couture is now a 501c3 IRS recognized non-profit.
What does this mean you ask(unless you are a CPA or know tax laws)?
It means that I had to go through a LONG process, with a lawyers help, to have Heartfelt Couture be a recognized non-profit with the IRS. Donations were always tax deductible, but by making Heartfelt a 501c3 we are now accountable for all donations with the IRS. We will also have to file tax returns in May.
I will also be posting Heartfelt Couture financial information every year. I will post how much we have made for the year and how much we have spent.
Heartfelt Couture also has a board of directors. We are an extremely small non-profit but to meet the qualifications for the 501c3 status a board of directors had to be put into place. We have no paid employees. Everyone works as volunteers. Just a little glimpse into how Heartfelt Couture is run.
Keri Abshier
What does this mean you ask(unless you are a CPA or know tax laws)?
It means that I had to go through a LONG process, with a lawyers help, to have Heartfelt Couture be a recognized non-profit with the IRS. Donations were always tax deductible, but by making Heartfelt a 501c3 we are now accountable for all donations with the IRS. We will also have to file tax returns in May.
I will also be posting Heartfelt Couture financial information every year. I will post how much we have made for the year and how much we have spent.
Heartfelt Couture also has a board of directors. We are an extremely small non-profit but to meet the qualifications for the 501c3 status a board of directors had to be put into place. We have no paid employees. Everyone works as volunteers. Just a little glimpse into how Heartfelt Couture is run.
Keri Abshier
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Fabric restrictions
I know I have written about this before, but the fabric used for Heartfelt Couture HAS to be CPSIA certified fabrics, and it has to have labels sewn into the gowns. The CPCS has very strict guidelines for businesses/non-profits regarding anything made for children under 12. If you are interested in doing a cutting night or what fabrics you can purchase feel free to email me keri@heartfeltcouture.cm
Keri Abshier
Keri Abshier
Saturday, February 20, 2010
How Heartfelt Couture Started
Heartfelt Couture all started because a little 4 year old Sarah Swan didn't like her "normal" hospital gown. Her mother Sharon Swan contacted Keri Abshier to make her some gowns for her upcoming Heart cath and Heart surgery. Sarah has congenital heart disease and her amazing mom knew that Sarah would be needing plenty of FABULOUS hospital gowns.
With a lot of prayer, Heartfelt Couture was launched October 2008. To read more about what we have done from October 2008 to present go to the post from October 2009 called Did you know?
If you are wanting a hospital gown and name pillow for your child or any other child you know. Just contact Keri at keri@heartfeltcouture.com and she will get one out to you!!!
Heartfelt Couture is really in need of a website that is easier to navigate. If you know of anyone or you yourself can help me out that would be great! I don't have time between making the gowns, name pillows, IRS stuff, financial stuff, gown deliveries, and other things that I don't have time to teach myself how to do a website.
Keri Abshier
With a lot of prayer, Heartfelt Couture was launched October 2008. To read more about what we have done from October 2008 to present go to the post from October 2009 called Did you know?
If you are wanting a hospital gown and name pillow for your child or any other child you know. Just contact Keri at keri@heartfeltcouture.com and she will get one out to you!!!
Heartfelt Couture is really in need of a website that is easier to navigate. If you know of anyone or you yourself can help me out that would be great! I don't have time between making the gowns, name pillows, IRS stuff, financial stuff, gown deliveries, and other things that I don't have time to teach myself how to do a website.
Keri Abshier
Friday, February 19, 2010
About Heartfelt Couture
The hospitalization of a child can be a stressful time for children and their families. At Heartfelt Couture, our mission is to provide pint-sized patients with fun and fabulous hospital gowns that are as unique as the are. Each handmade gown is created to provide each hospitalized child a little joy in their hearts and a smile on their face.
If you know of any child that will be in the hospital and would like an amazing hospital gown. Please contact keri@heartfeltcouture.com
All gowns and name pillow are shipped for free. No cost to patient. We just want to make sure these special children have a little something fun.
Keri Abshier
If you know of any child that will be in the hospital and would like an amazing hospital gown. Please contact keri@heartfeltcouture.com
All gowns and name pillow are shipped for free. No cost to patient. We just want to make sure these special children have a little something fun.
Keri Abshier
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Gown pattern
I have had many emails about the pattern for the gowns. This is the link to the gown pattern. www.lazygirldesigns.com/hospitalgown.php Please let me know if you have any questions.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Gown delivery to Texas Children's Hospital in Houston
We had a gown delivery at Texas Children's Hospital on Friday, January 22nd. We took 40 gowns that will be given out to children being admitted to the hospital for heart surgery over the next months or so. Sadly...many children will be admitted for heart surgery. On a good note, these gowns will brighten their day and give them something special and fun on the day of their surgery. Sometimes, it's the littlest things that make a difference for these kids. Kate at TCH is such a sweet child life specialist! She always makes kids feel special and helps calm their nerves at a very difficult time and these gowns will just be one more way for her to achieve that! She did notice that one of the little gowns,for a girl, was the same fabric as the doll she uses when she explains their bodies and what about the surgery, etc. I know that she will end up giving that particular gown to some little girl who is uneasy and that she will see that her little gown will match the doll and it will hopefully make her smile.
Kate is going to send us some photographs of some of the patients modeling their gowns later after passing them out. I can't wait to see the smiling faces in their Heartfelt Couture gowns! Thanks to Beth and Dr. Justino also for the nice comments about the gowns and for the photo opportunities! Texas Children's Hospital showed great appreciation for the delivery of the gowns!
The gown delivery would not have been possible without the help of Susan Tanner! She lives in the Houston area and volunteered to sew gowns for us! She came to the hospital where we met for the first time and helped deliver the gowns. Several other have helped sew gowns in Lufkin, as well! Kelly Wayland of Lumbermen's Insurance has been such a blessing as well! Also, thanks to Corrine Davis of Lufkin, Heartstrings Support Group, Jan at Bessie Mary in Highland Village, She donated some of the fabric, and Southside Baptist Church ladies who all pitched in to help with these gowns. Without the help and donations of others, this would not be possible.
We are in need of donations to continue this work. If you or someone you know would like to know how to donate, please contact Keri. Her email is keri@heartfeltcouture.com. She can give you the details of exactly how you can help! We would greatly appreciate any help you can give
Sharon Swan
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
New Year
It's a New Year, a fresh start, and it's super exciting to see what God will do with Heartfelt Couture in 2010. Last year basically blew my mind in what I thought God could do with this ministry. If you are new to Heartfelt Couture go down to the Did you know post and read about the amazing things that happened in 2009.
I am also happy that I will be devoting all my time to Heartfelt, besides taking care of my family.
If you know of a child in the hospital or one that will be in for surgery, please contact Keri. My email is www.keri@heartfeltcouture.com. I will be happy to make a hospital gown for that child and ship to them at NO COST!
Blessings in 2010!
Keri Abshier
I am also happy that I will be devoting all my time to Heartfelt, besides taking care of my family.
If you know of a child in the hospital or one that will be in for surgery, please contact Keri. My email is www.keri@heartfeltcouture.com. I will be happy to make a hospital gown for that child and ship to them at NO COST!
Blessings in 2010!
Keri Abshier
Sunday, December 27, 2009
The Journey Magazine out of Lufkin
Sarah Swan was inspiring young woman for December 2009 in The Journey Magazine. Heartfelt Couture was mentioned in the article. Check it out at http://issuu.com/suchilders/docs/finaldecember09 go to page 42.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Thank you Sewing Seeds and Merry Christmas to all!
Sewing Seeds is a women's group at Gateway Church in Southlake, TX. They took time to make over 20 gorgeous gowns for some amazing children. I was able to deliver some of them to Medical City Children's Hospital on Thursday December 10th. I know that these families are so grateful to receive such a special gift.
Amy, Mandy, Renee, Shelly, and Rosie thank you!! I know these children will LOVE them!!! You all have a heart of gold.
If you are in a women's group and would like to do this please email me keri@heartfeltcouture.com. I would be happy to help get you started!
This will be my last post for the year. Heartfelt Couture continues to reach families and children everyday. 2009 was an exceptional year and I cannot wait to see what God has in store for HFC in 2010.
Blessings, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Keri Abshier
Amy, Mandy, Renee, Shelly, and Rosie thank you!! I know these children will LOVE them!!! You all have a heart of gold.
If you are in a women's group and would like to do this please email me keri@heartfeltcouture.com. I would be happy to help get you started!
This will be my last post for the year. Heartfelt Couture continues to reach families and children everyday. 2009 was an exceptional year and I cannot wait to see what God has in store for HFC in 2010.
Blessings, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Keri Abshier
Friday, December 4, 2009
Looking for an intern
Heartfelt Couture is looking for an intern to come to my home and serge hospital gowns. I am looking for someone punctual, responsible and that can either drive themselves or have a parent bring to my home in Bedford, TX.
This would be great for a high schooler that is looking for work experience/college references. I will work with their school/activties schedule.
I only have room for 1 person right now. Please email me at keri@heartfeltcouture.com if you know someone that maybe interested.
This would be great for a high schooler that is looking for work experience/college references. I will work with their school/activties schedule.
I only have room for 1 person right now. Please email me at keri@heartfeltcouture.com if you know someone that maybe interested.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Heartfelt Couture is on Twilightseriestheories.com

Back in May I asked one of the sisters from http://www.twilightseriestheories.com/ if they would like for me to make/design a one of a kind red carpet dress for the premiere of New Moon.
See I am a HUGE fan of Twilight. I know that may sound odd since I am a Christian and LOVE Jesus. But Twilight is much more than a story about vampires and werewolves. Plus Kassie and Kallie the creators of TST are amazing Christian woman as well. Kassie and Kallie do a podcast and discuss the books and the movies. If you dig Twilight then you really should listen ,they are hilarious!!!
I asked with the intention that I could spread the word about Heartfelt Couture. TST reaches millions worldwide. It took me almost 5 to 6 months to get the dresses ready. Kallie was able to be on the red carpet and interview Kellan Lutz, Daniel Cudmore, and THE Robert Pattinson. She looked BEAUTIFUL in her dress and I could not have been prouder for an amazing person to wear the dress.
Go to their site and check them out!! I am so proud of what God is doing for Heartfelt Couture. He gave me the talents to make these dresses and put me in the right place at the right time to ask. Now millions of people will read about HFC and possibly a child that would like a gown will get one! That is the whole reason I did the dresses so one child would be blessed!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Thank you Professional Flooring Supply
I want to send a HUGE thank you to Professional Flooring Supply. Monday I had a cutting night at their office and it was AMAZING!!!! They also gave Heartfelt Couture a very generous donation that will help us out with fabric. I felt so blessed and they had such an amazing spirit and helped cut out 15 or so gowns and over 100 letters for name pillows. We did this after work hours so they also generously gave up their night! These kids are going to be so blessed by these awesome people!!
A special thanks to Karen Haas! She set everything up and was so well organized I was amazed!!
PFS once again you ROCK!!!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Question about CPSIA certified fabrics/info
I know alot of you have had questions about what the CPSIA law is and what type of fabrics to buy for Heartfelt Couture. Here is a blog that gives lots of info about the law and fabrics.
It gives the history of the CPSIA law passed in August 2008 and more information.
I know this is all confusing but Heartfelt Couture will abide by this law.
On another note. Heartfelt Couture is now Heartfelt Couture, Inc. We should have our 501c3 application completed in a week or so and we have raised part of the money for our IRS fee. Thank you all so much for helping and praying faithfully.
Blessings to all,
It gives the history of the CPSIA law passed in August 2008 and more information.
I know this is all confusing but Heartfelt Couture will abide by this law.
On another note. Heartfelt Couture is now Heartfelt Couture, Inc. We should have our 501c3 application completed in a week or so and we have raised part of the money for our IRS fee. Thank you all so much for helping and praying faithfully.
Blessings to all,
Friday, November 6, 2009
A New hospital for Heartfelt Couture
The Amazing Jennifer!
Today we had our first gown delivery to Cook Children's Hospital in Downtown Fort Worth. Jennifer Inman-Cartwright and a group of her friends and family made 20 gowns for Cook's. Cook's is a special hospital for Jennifer her son Zach is a patient. He is an amazing 2 year old. Jennifer lives in Wichita Falls, TX and commutes every 3 weeks for treatment for Zach. I was so excited to meet this amazing woman. She gave of her time and finances to make some amazing and fabulous gowns.
I was also able to speak with the Child Life and Volunteer Services with Cook's. I am hoping to be able to do more gown deliveries next year at Cook Children's Hospital, Medical City Children's Hospital, Texas Children's Hospital. I am also planning on adding more hospitals to HFC.
Blessing to all,
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Did you know....?
Did you know all the hospital gowns and name pillows are free? We don't even take money for shipping? These gowns and pillows are given to these amazing children.
Did you know that Poppy Lane Photography is offering a Heartfelt Couture package? Check the out http://www.poppylanephotography.blogspot.com/. Because of Poppy Lane most of our IRS fee is going to be taken care of!!!!
Did you know that between Dec 2008 and Dec 2009 almost 200 gowns have been given out?
Did you know we have given out almost 10 name pillows?
Did you know that a gown costs between $12-$20?
Did you know that Heartfelt Couture saves all the scrapes from the gowns to make the name pillows? Not an inch is wasted!
Did you know that not only do we do gown deliveries to Medical City Children's Hospital, Texas Children's Hospital, and Cook Children's Hospital, we have also sent gowns out to children all over the US?
Did you know that all of the money earned from pillow sales ($30) goes towards a child in the hospital? He or she will receive a pillow and gown with all costs covered.
Did you know your financial contribution is tax deductible? We will also have our 501c3 status completed in a few more weeks.
Did you know that the Texas Rangers wives have helped make over 40 gowns?
Did you know we will have to use certain fabrics due to a law passed awhile back? Anything made for children 12 and under has to be lead tested. There are fabrics that comply with the CPSIA law. I have found a shop on Etsy that will sell us fabric for a reduced price. If you want more info email keri@heartfeltcouture.com
Did you know that HFC started with 2 stay at home moms? Now we have several moms helping out. They give their time, talents, and money. They purchase the gowns and cut/sew them. This would not be possible with out their generosity.
Did you know we gave 35 children on the heart floor at Texas Children's Hospital gowns and hat boxes filled with goodies to be open on Christmas Day 2008?
Did you know we are on Facebook and only have less than 200 members? And our blog is only followed my less than 20. Let's get those numbers up so more children can receive a gown and pillow!
Even though giving a custom hospital gown to a child is a small thing it does something to their spirit. And something to the parents spirit. To know that someone took their time and money to make something special, for someone they don't know puts a smile on any one's face. And this shows the love of Christ.
Jesus said, "What shall we say the kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall we describe it? It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest seed you can plant in the ground. Yet when it is planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds of the air can perch in it's shade." Mark 4:30-32
I have such a passion for Heartfelt Couture, you don't even know. I am thinking and praying for it everyday almost every hour. I think by touching and enriching others lives it gives them hope. Also it teaches these children to be givers too! Teaching the children of tomorrow to give will be AMAZING
Love to all,
Keri Abshier
Did you know that Poppy Lane Photography is offering a Heartfelt Couture package? Check the out http://www.poppylanephotography.blogspot.com/. Because of Poppy Lane most of our IRS fee is going to be taken care of!!!!
Did you know that between Dec 2008 and Dec 2009 almost 200 gowns have been given out?
Did you know we have given out almost 10 name pillows?
Did you know that a gown costs between $12-$20?
Did you know that Heartfelt Couture saves all the scrapes from the gowns to make the name pillows? Not an inch is wasted!
Did you know that not only do we do gown deliveries to Medical City Children's Hospital, Texas Children's Hospital, and Cook Children's Hospital, we have also sent gowns out to children all over the US?
Did you know that all of the money earned from pillow sales ($30) goes towards a child in the hospital? He or she will receive a pillow and gown with all costs covered.
Did you know your financial contribution is tax deductible? We will also have our 501c3 status completed in a few more weeks.
Did you know that the Texas Rangers wives have helped make over 40 gowns?
Did you know we will have to use certain fabrics due to a law passed awhile back? Anything made for children 12 and under has to be lead tested. There are fabrics that comply with the CPSIA law. I have found a shop on Etsy that will sell us fabric for a reduced price. If you want more info email keri@heartfeltcouture.com
Did you know that HFC started with 2 stay at home moms? Now we have several moms helping out. They give their time, talents, and money. They purchase the gowns and cut/sew them. This would not be possible with out their generosity.
Did you know we gave 35 children on the heart floor at Texas Children's Hospital gowns and hat boxes filled with goodies to be open on Christmas Day 2008?
Did you know we are on Facebook and only have less than 200 members? And our blog is only followed my less than 20. Let's get those numbers up so more children can receive a gown and pillow!
Even though giving a custom hospital gown to a child is a small thing it does something to their spirit. And something to the parents spirit. To know that someone took their time and money to make something special, for someone they don't know puts a smile on any one's face. And this shows the love of Christ.
Jesus said, "What shall we say the kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall we describe it? It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest seed you can plant in the ground. Yet when it is planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds of the air can perch in it's shade." Mark 4:30-32
I have such a passion for Heartfelt Couture, you don't even know. I am thinking and praying for it everyday almost every hour. I think by touching and enriching others lives it gives them hope. Also it teaches these children to be givers too! Teaching the children of tomorrow to give will be AMAZING
Love to all,
Keri Abshier
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sad Day
Hannah Collie went to be with Jesus early Sunday morning. Please pray for her family in this terrible time. Read more about Hannah on the blog in the July section.
I cannot even put into words how deeply sad I am for this family. I know we don't understand what God's will is for our lives and I do rejoice that she is with our King, but at the same time I know her mom and dad miss her DEEPLY. Please pray for peace, understanding and comfort.
"O my Comforter in sorrow, my heart is faint within me." Jeremiah 8:18
I cannot even put into words how deeply sad I am for this family. I know we don't understand what God's will is for our lives and I do rejoice that she is with our King, but at the same time I know her mom and dad miss her DEEPLY. Please pray for peace, understanding and comfort.
"O my Comforter in sorrow, my heart is faint within me." Jeremiah 8:18
Monday, October 19, 2009
Heartfelt Couture Christmas Wish List
Many people ask me what can they do to help. So I decided to make out a Christmas List for 2009. Also if you have a talent that could be used to help out with any of these below please email Keri and we can figure something out.
Website-Right now the blog works but you have to scroll down to read everything and I would like for it to be simple to just click to read testimonies/about HFC/ways to give/donations. Things like that. We do own our domain name.
Labels for gowns-Due to the CPSIA law all gowns will have to be labeled. I have been using someone on Etsy and if you would like to just purchase them for us that would be fabulous.
Marketing materials-We need business cards, information cards, letter head etc. Also I am not a marketer my nature it's really a push for me. So if you are a good marketer than maybe emailing me ideas or ways to get the word out about HFC. If you want to just purchase these things for us I can also give you info and upload our designs and you can just pay for it.
Supplies-thread, velcro, interfacing, freezer paper. We go through a lot of these and you can just buy it and ship to me.
Fabric-This of course is the most important of all. We need 100% cotton fabric. In Feb of 2010 we will have to start using CPSIA certified fabrics. Moda, Michael Miller, and Amy Butler are all CPSIA certified fabrics. These fabrics are double in price from what is being bought now. If you would like to buy the fabric and have it shipped to me that is great. Or you can make a donation for the fabric. With the new fabrics it will cost between $10-$15 to make a small child's gown and $16-$20 to make a large child's gowns. A small takes 1 yard and a large takes 2 yards. Please know that none of the fabric is wasted I save all the scrapes and make name pillows out of them. My house is 1500 square feet and is filled with scraps of fabric.
Time-You can do a cutting night with your family, friends, woman group, or church group. If you are doing the cutting night before Feb 2010 you can use fabric from Hobby Lobby or JoAnn's. But after Feb 2010 please use the fabrics listed in the above fabrics. You can also email me and I have all the specifics. This would also be an amazing project for teenagers. A great way to have them give there time. All they need is some fabric and scissors. My girls are almost 4 are already know about the hospital gowns and what they are for.
Fundraising-This is the part that is the hardest for me and I pay a lot out of pocket because this is so hard. We do need funds for shipping to different children, batting for name pillows, and other supplies. Also paying lawyers to make sure we are complying with the laws of the IRS. If you have a talent that you would like to use to help us raise money that would be amazing. An example is Poppylane photography. Megan uses her talents to help us with the IRS non-profit fee.
Thank you ,
Website-Right now the blog works but you have to scroll down to read everything and I would like for it to be simple to just click to read testimonies/about HFC/ways to give/donations. Things like that. We do own our domain name.
Labels for gowns-Due to the CPSIA law all gowns will have to be labeled. I have been using someone on Etsy and if you would like to just purchase them for us that would be fabulous.
Marketing materials-We need business cards, information cards, letter head etc. Also I am not a marketer my nature it's really a push for me. So if you are a good marketer than maybe emailing me ideas or ways to get the word out about HFC. If you want to just purchase these things for us I can also give you info and upload our designs and you can just pay for it.
Supplies-thread, velcro, interfacing, freezer paper. We go through a lot of these and you can just buy it and ship to me.
Fabric-This of course is the most important of all. We need 100% cotton fabric. In Feb of 2010 we will have to start using CPSIA certified fabrics. Moda, Michael Miller, and Amy Butler are all CPSIA certified fabrics. These fabrics are double in price from what is being bought now. If you would like to buy the fabric and have it shipped to me that is great. Or you can make a donation for the fabric. With the new fabrics it will cost between $10-$15 to make a small child's gown and $16-$20 to make a large child's gowns. A small takes 1 yard and a large takes 2 yards. Please know that none of the fabric is wasted I save all the scrapes and make name pillows out of them. My house is 1500 square feet and is filled with scraps of fabric.
Time-You can do a cutting night with your family, friends, woman group, or church group. If you are doing the cutting night before Feb 2010 you can use fabric from Hobby Lobby or JoAnn's. But after Feb 2010 please use the fabrics listed in the above fabrics. You can also email me and I have all the specifics. This would also be an amazing project for teenagers. A great way to have them give there time. All they need is some fabric and scissors. My girls are almost 4 are already know about the hospital gowns and what they are for.
Fundraising-This is the part that is the hardest for me and I pay a lot out of pocket because this is so hard. We do need funds for shipping to different children, batting for name pillows, and other supplies. Also paying lawyers to make sure we are complying with the laws of the IRS. If you have a talent that you would like to use to help us raise money that would be amazing. An example is Poppylane photography. Megan uses her talents to help us with the IRS non-profit fee.
Thank you ,
Child Life
Just found this today. Heartfelt Couture is starting to spread! If you are interested in helping out email Keri.
Just found this today. Heartfelt Couture is starting to spread! If you are interested in helping out email Keri.
Monday, October 12, 2009
A sweet email
Hello. My name is Kerri Fasano. I wanted to get this email out while I had a few free moments.My husband plays baseball for a team other than the Rangers.
I was able to get into contact with Rachel Eyre through a baseball website. And to make a long story short, she was able to, very quickly, I might add, sew me a hospital gown for my little 2 year old son who had open heart surgery on October 1st.
Let me tell you, I have never met Rachel and knowing baseball, I know it was the end of the season and she was heading back home, and just a busy time of year. I was taken aback that she was more than happy to get it done for me! What a sweet woman. I am amazed at the care and love you girls put into these gowns. It might not seem like much, but what you are making DOES make the hospital a bit more comfortable!
I can tell you, my son, many times, has asked for his "roar" (dinosaur gown). We are still here, hoping to go home in the next few days. I have washed the gown numerous times in the sink, and it can't dry fast enough for our little guy!!
It is very cute when the nurses come in and start talking to Santino about his dinosaurs and he gets this little proud, very cute :) grin on his face! The nurses love it, too.... they all talk about it, and I have even had other nurses not assigned his room come in to peak at it!Anyway, I am attaching a picture of him wearing it...and again, wearing it proudly!!
We were playing puppets that day, with hospital socks..hee hee.I have Rachel's email address on my home computer, but only have my laptop here in the hospital. Could you PLEASE forward this email and picture on to her?
I know I said thank you to her via email before, but I definitely wanted to say it atleast once again! And I also wanted her to know that it was the reason I smiled some days because of the expression on Santino's face when he was looking at all the colors and dinosaurs!! Please also, let her know that he sailed through surgery and had a very speedy and successful recovery... I know she was thinking and praying for him!Thank you very much... for all that all of you girls do :)Kerri Fasano
I want a million more stories like this to post on our blog. Please let us know about any child in the hospital. Heartfelt Couture was started to lift up these children. Yes it is something small but Kerri's story above proves that it makes a difference. Also tell us what the child is into dinosaurs, Star Wars, Care Bears and we will make a special purchase and find that fabric. It matters to us and it makes a difference to the child
Rachel Eyre will be helping out with Heartfelt Couture
I am pleased to annouce that Rachel Eyre will be working with Heartfelt Couture. Rachel has been helping Heartfelt Couture since July 2009. She has made over 30 gowns for us and will now be in charge of Florida. She will take care of all aspects of HFC in Florida and also helping out all over the country as well. I will have an email set up for her soon. If you know of anyone in Florida or anywhere for that matter that would like a gown for their child. Please email me at keri@heartfeltcouture.com.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
A Heartfelt Departure
Dear Friends,
When Keri & I started Heartfelt Couture, my goal was to be very involved in working to get hospital gowns made and delivered to children in hospitals near us. Since then, we have been very successful in doing so. However, my child, Sarah, was scheduled to have her open heart surgery this past week and got rescheduled. We are now waiting to find out a date which should be in the next few weeks.
During this past week, I realized that my emotions are a slight bit overloaded and my mind is at full capacity. I feel like my computer when it is full of too many photos, info, emails, etc. Something has got to be cleared out so that I can think again and run faster. I am overloaded at the moment.
Keri and I have been talking and after some prayer and careful thought, I have come to the conclusion that I need to take a break from Heartfelt Couture for a while. My family and I have a lot to overcome in the next few months and I need to be able to be fully devoted to Sarah and Jason during this time and not feel guilty for not doing all that I want to do with Heartfelt Couture. I am sad to come to the realization that I am not superwoman and I cannot do it ALL, but I know with God, I can do what I am meant to do.
Keri will be taking over all operations with the help of some very special women who have already been helping her. She is confident that she will be able to handle it for now. My plan is to get involved again after things settle down at my house.
I thank each of you for your prayers and support during this time.
Sharon Swan
When Keri & I started Heartfelt Couture, my goal was to be very involved in working to get hospital gowns made and delivered to children in hospitals near us. Since then, we have been very successful in doing so. However, my child, Sarah, was scheduled to have her open heart surgery this past week and got rescheduled. We are now waiting to find out a date which should be in the next few weeks.
During this past week, I realized that my emotions are a slight bit overloaded and my mind is at full capacity. I feel like my computer when it is full of too many photos, info, emails, etc. Something has got to be cleared out so that I can think again and run faster. I am overloaded at the moment.
Keri and I have been talking and after some prayer and careful thought, I have come to the conclusion that I need to take a break from Heartfelt Couture for a while. My family and I have a lot to overcome in the next few months and I need to be able to be fully devoted to Sarah and Jason during this time and not feel guilty for not doing all that I want to do with Heartfelt Couture. I am sad to come to the realization that I am not superwoman and I cannot do it ALL, but I know with God, I can do what I am meant to do.
Keri will be taking over all operations with the help of some very special women who have already been helping her. She is confident that she will be able to handle it for now. My plan is to get involved again after things settle down at my house.
I thank each of you for your prayers and support during this time.
Sharon Swan
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Thank you Poppy Lane photography
Some of you may or may not know but Sharon's daughter Sarah was going to have heart surgery today Oct 6th but they had to cancel due to a lung transplant. Praise God a baby got a new lung. So Sarah's surgery has been post-poned. With that being said, we had a photo session set up for Nov 21st to raise money for the IRS fee of $750 and are rescheduling due to the surgery postponement.
Megan with Poppy Lane photography has stepped up and said she would do the sessions for the same amount and donate her time. Only those that signed up for the session get the amazing deal but if you are in need of an amazing photographer please go to her blog www.poppylanephotography.blogspot.com
Thank you so much for your kind and giving heart. May God Bless and keep you!!!!!
Megan with Poppy Lane photography has stepped up and said she would do the sessions for the same amount and donate her time. Only those that signed up for the session get the amazing deal but if you are in need of an amazing photographer please go to her blog www.poppylanephotography.blogspot.com
Thank you so much for your kind and giving heart. May God Bless and keep you!!!!!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Prayer for Sarah & Mikaela
Mikaela is having heart surgery today so PLEASE pray for this sweet little girl. Also pray for her parents.
Also keep Sarah, Sharon's daughter in your prayers as well. She will also be having heart surgery on Tues Oct 6th the same surgery that Mikaela is having today at the same hospital. The surgery will take place at Texas Children's Hospital and could take up to 8 hrs. Pray for Peace for both familes.
Also keep Sarah, Sharon's daughter in your prayers as well. She will also be having heart surgery on Tues Oct 6th the same surgery that Mikaela is having today at the same hospital. The surgery will take place at Texas Children's Hospital and could take up to 8 hrs. Pray for Peace for both familes.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Another hospital gown delivery
An amazing women's group in Wichita Falls, TX is busy working on 20 gowns to deliver to Cook Children's hospital in downtown Fort Worth. The women have been working tirelessly to get these gowns ready for these amazing children. Jennifer received a gown from us for her son and wanted to do 20 gowns on her own. This touches my heart because she cares so much. Thank you to all the ladies that have helped out. This ministry could not survive without women like you. We will post pictures from the delivery soon.
Also if you are part of a women's group or really any type of group that would like to do the same thing as Jennifer and you live in the DFW area I would love to come talk to your group or give you the information on doing a gown delivery if you are not local.
Also if you are part of a women's group or really any type of group that would like to do the same thing as Jennifer and you live in the DFW area I would love to come talk to your group or give you the information on doing a gown delivery if you are not local.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Thank you letter from Medical City Children's Hospital

This letter made me cry. Just to know that even one child is uplifted from these gowns is why this is the best ministry EVER!!!
There are many ways in which you can be involved in this amazing ministry. If you live in Houston/Lufkin area contact sharon@heartfeltcouture.com, If you live in DFW area contact keri@heartfeltcouture.com. We will also have someone soon to contact in the state of Florida. If you don't live in any of these areas but would still like to know how to help contact Keri at above email address.
To God be the Glory Forever and Ever,
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Another successful gown delivery to Medical City
On Tuesday September 8th Heartfelt Couture partnered with The Texas Rangers to delivery 40 hospital gowns, wives cookbooks, and hats to some very special children. The Rangers wives and Captain Ranger the mascot also came to hand out these special gowns. These amazing women helped cut out, sew and package the gowns. It was a great time and the kids had a lot of fun. We were also able to go around to some of the patients rooms with the mascot and hand out hats to some of the older kids. We will be making the older kids a more custom gown. God has blessed this ministry in so many ways.
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